Archives for category: life

A walk for the senses

It was a beautiful evening for a walk.
I was treated to a sunset that made the sky look like it was gilded.  The air was still, filled with the heady fragrance of lilacs.  The birds were singing beautifully as the day came to an end.  There was one disturbing conversation overheard as I walked in the neighborhood: a man asking a woman “and what is the reason he doesn’t respect his parents?

It sounded as if the man was complaining about something the woman’s son had done. She was trying to speak, but it didn’t sound as if the man was truly listening to what she was saying.  But that was the only dissonant note; the warmer weather had people outside tonight watering their plants or standing with their children who took the time to say hello to a stranger walking by.

Heading into the city in the morning to American Lake VA Medical Facility to see TD’s Heart Specialist.  I am hoping he will not have to have surgery to clip the fractured sternum wire that has been causing him chest pain.
He has not had any active chest pain since they put him on the new heart medication and we will need to get a new prescription from the VA Doc.

Anyway we will be leaving early in the morning with care giver going along also for safety.

Good night all and hope everyone has a good Friday.

One day I will learn to keep everything within.  Not to let my pain touch another soul.  I have yet to learn that lesson. I am nothing but an imperfect soul, trying to grasp at things I do not understand, given lessons to learn in life and doing so poorly with them.  It does not matter how many masters are sent to teach you, you can only learn when the heart is opened and not clouded.  I fail miserably at times.  But learn I shall.

I will either do one of two things: I will pull away until I can ground myself again, until I can truly understand the lessons given and what it was I needed to learn, or I will continue to write my thoughts until they become clear.  There is so much that is clouding my vision right now, and yet, through it all, the Universe still sends me messages, letting me know this road is the one to be on right now toughest phone case

Wherever you go, there you are.

Life is short, wear your party pants waterproof phone case.

How many more book titles can I drop into a pathetic post?

I’m gonna go out on this rainy day and see what settles.

The mind is a fascinating thing.  I love when people share dreams; it’s always interesting to see how thing are processed.  I rarely remember dreams anymore.  More often than not I wake in a semi-conscious state where some feeling comes through, rather than the remembrance of the dream itself.  Last week I awoke in the middle of the night, still in that drowsy, not quite awake state, and had the inexplicable feeling that everything was ok, that I was where I was supposed to be in life.  It was definitely something I felt rather than dreamed.  Last night I awoke with the impression that I had just been spoken to in a foreign language (I’m thinking Russian), yet I knew I had understood whatever was said.  I don’t remember the dream, I don’t remember what was said, just the feeling that a foreign language was spoken and I understood perfectly.

Since I have not remembered a dream of late, I went to bed last night telling myself that I wanted to remember.  Shortly after waking from the foreign language feeling, I awoke from a very dark dream.  I rarely have those kinds, the disturbing ones that you don’t quite understand.  I’m sure I’ll put it all into place later.

It was night time and very dark.  It looked like it had recently rained; everything had a sort of sheen to it, yet there were no puddles on the ground.  I was in an alley.  There was a woman screaming, standing on a low balcony a few feet away.  She was wearing a long, body hugging dress of royal blue with white going down the middle.  For a quick moment my mind thought the word “nun,” but then, no.  Her hair was long and black and wild.

She threw herself from the balcony to the ground.  I don’t think she was hurt because it was a short fall, but she would not stop screaming.  I called 911 on my phone, but I had no idea where I was.  I went into some sort of clothes shop, noticing a pale, wooden floor as I walked between the people there.  I got to the entrance of the store but still could not tell where I was, so I went outside.  I looked at the name of the store, and it looked like the picture of an aspen leaf with a letter “N” next to it, so I still had no clue where I was.  It looked like the word “AN.”  I was out in the street, and the darkness made seeing difficult.  I told the 911 operator that I couldn’t believe I was in my home town, yet I didn’t know where I was.

I walked down the street and came upon a street sign, and told the operator where I was.  At that time I could see the reflection of police lights around the corner.  It seems that I was at some brick archway, and the police car itself was out of view; the red flashing lights being reflected off of the dark, wet brick.

The officer came with me, and I tried to lead him back to where the screaming woman was, but she was no longer there.  There were other characters in the alleyway; one man leaning against a building, another short man with blonde hair passing us, but no screaming woman.  And that is where I woke up.

I was disturbed by the overall darkness of the dream.  It was a pitch black night, and there were no lights except in the one store I walked through.  The outside was dark and damp.  I’m sure sooner or later I will understand what was playing out before me, but for right now it is a mystery.

This photo was taken in the car with Td laughing at his care giver.  He refused to wear his oxygen while I was taking his photo.

Fractured sternum wire rubbing against wall was manually manipulated and moved, and exercises at home will keep it from rubbing again chest wall.

The medication he is already taking isosorb mono is working and is pumping oxygen to his heart to regulate the blood flow.

So for now we are good.

As always TY all for your prayers, good vibes, loves, hugs, friendship and support as we walk this path.

Saturday night Sam and I went with cousins to see the Bull’s play.
He is a big fan like his dad and brother, so this was a great, big deal.
{this was his first game, we are ever so grateful to have been invited}

I didn’t tell him where he was going.
He thought he was on his way to Whole Foods. 🙂

Sam is now a member of the High Five Club…
he “high fived” the players with his cousin as they came onto the court.
He took his official shirt off only to attend church yesterday morning.

For two and a half hours he looked pretty much like this….honestly.

A few little random facts from my life:

Rob was away for 5 days…he is now home which is super awesome

He had to get a new laptop for work as his old one couldn’t keep up and instead of selling it (he even had a buyer as his old one is a macbook air!!) he decided to give it to his wifey..ME:) And then he set it up for me and showed me how to use it and sync it with my phone. Very sweet. Is that romantic? Sure why not Dust Proof Phone Case!

On sunday my boys went snowboarding. Around supper time I texted Robert wondering if they will be home for supper…he then asked if all the snowboarding friends could come too:) I said yes cause life is too short to say no to such cool fun! The food I whipped up was so so yummy I will have to share the recipe soon! Seriously it was gourmet yet so easy and quick! They also devoured an entire pan of scrumptious brownies with vanilla ice creme:) Bicep measurements were taken (they al lined up for me to measure them, it was hilarious!) and then everyone versed everyone in arm wrestling. I beat only one of them. My strong days are officially over:):)

This Wednesday I will have a house FULL with the older group coming here to plan their fundraising events. Should be fun

I tried two times to get this post up…both times I lost it..poof disappeared!! Weird! Hopefully this third time is the charm Dust proof phone case!!

Been fitting in exercise/fitness wherever I can. It was BEAUTIFUL out today…so I took the kids to the park and ran around the school field 10x and did butt exercises on the bleachers ny the field.  They loved it that I ran at the park and they could watch as they played. So cute!!

Meeting Ellen HopkinsFirst must I say that I geeked out like a little kid!! My mom drove, she doesn’t like me driving on the highway, for an hour and a half to see her for my birthday. When we got there we decided to have something to eat and I chose Panera, among other options. When we sat down to eat I kept telling my mom that I had this feeling that I was going to see her walk in somewhere.

So we’re eating and I have a pickle I want to split with my mom, I get up, roam around and try to find a knife. I couldn’t. So she gets up and goes to ask for one. I pick up my sandwhich go to take a bite and guess who stands up looks right at me with my mouth full. ELLEN HOPKINS! I was practically chocking on my food. Ellen walked away to throw her food away and then walked back to the table. During this time my mom sat back down and looked at me and asked, “What? What’s wrong?” I told her in a whisper, “That’s her!” She spun around so fast and looked everywhere. “Who? Which one? Where?” I was trying to kick her to be quiet and Ellen walked by again looking at me as I told my mom to be quiet, she usually has to talk to everyone.

Ellen left the Panera and walked across to the library where they were holding her event. I was freaking out all excited trying to shove food in my mouth. It felt like I was eating molasses. We finally cleaned up and I dragged my mom  into the library. We sat through an hour of her talking about her life and how she came to writing these books and then she did a signing.

What do you ask did I get for my birthday? From my rents I got chocolate (to share with D since we always make late night runs), a magazine about creative writing with contests I could enter, a book on Twilight and Philosophy (rather have the psychology one), from a friend she surprised me with cupcakes and a sticker book of Scooby (best present I think), my co-worker has something for me, and D gave me a birthday bowl (yes, no?) and the movie “coupons”. For my birthday one year and for Valentine’s Day he wrote these long letters. This year he wrote not even something worthy of a paragraph and not even very sincere. I tried to be as happy as I could.. The movie was amazing, I loved it.. but ouch.. He can surprise me with roses for no reason, but nothing on my birthday. He even promised me a nice dinner somewhere, well that didn’t happen. He said my birthday snuck up on him. How when I reminded him of it since the 2 month mark? The man I love gives me nothing for holidays. The yo-yo he bought broke yesterday.

I went to the doctor at school and had them run a thyroid and iron test on me. It all came back good, which I thought it would. So I don’t know what is going on with me, I know it’s something though and I don’t think it’s just stress. I’ve been trying to cut out bread, pasta and dairy from my diet, just make them treats, but it’s hard when that’s pretty much all my mother makes. I finally started working out, going to the gym to walk for a half hour on the treadmill. It’s hard to stay on it, like today, I want to, but I haven’t budged. My excuse: I need work out pants, which is true, but I don’t feel like going and getting them. I think I should wait until my tattoo heals.

And here is the biggest slap in the face to me. I was the one that spent the most on myself for my birthday. I payed for my first tattoo. I drew it and everything. The artist made it into a more tattoo like design with the curls on the end, but it was all me. D and my mom went with me, I drove in my car (I wanted to) and we all sat in this little space as the artist inked the design. I only jumped once and had no other issues with it. It is still a little sore, but it’s healing nicely I think. I can understand why they’re addicting. And it doesn’t help I have so many in mind.

I had an interview at a new job. Seasonal. So there is no guarantee on hours or day or night shifts. So I’m going to decline. Plus they need a drug test and I’m not keen on those. I’d rather stay where I am, making about 680 a month, where I’d be lucky to make half that at the other job, save as much as I can for the holidays and then find something else after seasonal. It fuckin sucks and I can’t get up the nerve to call them back and decline. Hate my job right now, but I need the money if I want to get out of here.

I’ve been so stressed lately and it sucks. Maybe I should go work out today, just to clear my mind and shit. I have a ton of homework due Monday and I’m putting that off too. So here’s to getting a plan together and actually getting things done. I have the goal to drop about 10 pounds by the end of the month, beginning of next month. It may be a bit much, but if I get my butt in gear then maybe it’ll work.