The mind is a fascinating thing.  I love when people share dreams; it’s always interesting to see how thing are processed.  I rarely remember dreams anymore.  More often than not I wake in a semi-conscious state where some feeling comes through, rather than the remembrance of the dream itself.  Last week I awoke in the middle of the night, still in that drowsy, not quite awake state, and had the inexplicable feeling that everything was ok, that I was where I was supposed to be in life.  It was definitely something I felt rather than dreamed.  Last night I awoke with the impression that I had just been spoken to in a foreign language (I’m thinking Russian), yet I knew I had understood whatever was said.  I don’t remember the dream, I don’t remember what was said, just the feeling that a foreign language was spoken and I understood perfectly.

Since I have not remembered a dream of late, I went to bed last night telling myself that I wanted to remember.  Shortly after waking from the foreign language feeling, I awoke from a very dark dream.  I rarely have those kinds, the disturbing ones that you don’t quite understand.  I’m sure I’ll put it all into place later.

It was night time and very dark.  It looked like it had recently rained; everything had a sort of sheen to it, yet there were no puddles on the ground.  I was in an alley.  There was a woman screaming, standing on a low balcony a few feet away.  She was wearing a long, body hugging dress of royal blue with white going down the middle.  For a quick moment my mind thought the word “nun,” but then, no.  Her hair was long and black and wild.

She threw herself from the balcony to the ground.  I don’t think she was hurt because it was a short fall, but she would not stop screaming.  I called 911 on my phone, but I had no idea where I was.  I went into some sort of clothes shop, noticing a pale, wooden floor as I walked between the people there.  I got to the entrance of the store but still could not tell where I was, so I went outside.  I looked at the name of the store, and it looked like the picture of an aspen leaf with a letter “N” next to it, so I still had no clue where I was.  It looked like the word “AN.”  I was out in the street, and the darkness made seeing difficult.  I told the 911 operator that I couldn’t believe I was in my home town, yet I didn’t know where I was.

I walked down the street and came upon a street sign, and told the operator where I was.  At that time I could see the reflection of police lights around the corner.  It seems that I was at some brick archway, and the police car itself was out of view; the red flashing lights being reflected off of the dark, wet brick.

The officer came with me, and I tried to lead him back to where the screaming woman was, but she was no longer there.  There were other characters in the alleyway; one man leaning against a building, another short man with blonde hair passing us, but no screaming woman.  And that is where I woke up.

I was disturbed by the overall darkness of the dream.  It was a pitch black night, and there were no lights except in the one store I walked through.  The outside was dark and damp.  I’m sure sooner or later I will understand what was playing out before me, but for right now it is a mystery.