Meeting Ellen HopkinsFirst must I say that I geeked out like a little kid!! My mom drove, she doesn’t like me driving on the highway, for an hour and a half to see her for my birthday. When we got there we decided to have something to eat and I chose Panera, among other options. When we sat down to eat I kept telling my mom that I had this feeling that I was going to see her walk in somewhere.

So we’re eating and I have a pickle I want to split with my mom, I get up, roam around and try to find a knife. I couldn’t. So she gets up and goes to ask for one. I pick up my sandwhich go to take a bite and guess who stands up looks right at me with my mouth full. ELLEN HOPKINS! I was practically chocking on my food. Ellen walked away to throw her food away and then walked back to the table. During this time my mom sat back down and looked at me and asked, “What? What’s wrong?” I told her in a whisper, “That’s her!” She spun around so fast and looked everywhere. “Who? Which one? Where?” I was trying to kick her to be quiet and Ellen walked by again looking at me as I told my mom to be quiet, she usually has to talk to everyone.

Ellen left the Panera and walked across to the library where they were holding her event. I was freaking out all excited trying to shove food in my mouth. It felt like I was eating molasses. We finally cleaned up and I dragged my mom  into the library. We sat through an hour of her talking about her life and how she came to writing these books and then she did a signing.