One day I will learn to keep everything within.  Not to let my pain touch another soul.  I have yet to learn that lesson. I am nothing but an imperfect soul, trying to grasp at things I do not understand, given lessons to learn in life and doing so poorly with them.  It does not matter how many masters are sent to teach you, you can only learn when the heart is opened and not clouded.  I fail miserably at times.  But learn I shall.

I will either do one of two things: I will pull away until I can ground myself again, until I can truly understand the lessons given and what it was I needed to learn, or I will continue to write my thoughts until they become clear.  There is so much that is clouding my vision right now, and yet, through it all, the Universe still sends me messages, letting me know this road is the one to be on right now toughest phone case

Wherever you go, there you are.

Life is short, wear your party pants waterproof phone case.

How many more book titles can I drop into a pathetic post?

I’m gonna go out on this rainy day and see what settles.